Jason Walter Brown

Jason W. Brown M.D, born April 14, 1938 in New York, is a neurologist and writer of works in neuropsychology and philosophy of mind. He has been a reviewer and recipient of grants and fellowships from the National Institutes of Health and the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation and is or has been on the editorial boards of leading journals in his field. He has written 11 books, edited 4 others, and about 200 articles.



Premedical studies at the University of California in Los Angeles, graduation from Berkeley in 1959. Medical school at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, with M.D. in 1963, internship at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C. He returned to Los Angeles for a residency in neurology at UCLA. 1967-1969 in the Army, in Korea and San Francisco. In 1969, he took a post-doctoral fellowship at the Boston Veteran’s Hospital. In 1970, he was invited to the staff of Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York as assistant professor. In 1972, he published his first book, Aphasia, Apraxia, and Agnosia. In 1976, he received a fellowship from the Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry to spend a year at the Centre Neuropsychologique et Neurolinguistique in Paris. On his return, he joined the staff of New York University Medical Center, eventually as Clinical Professor in neurology. The academic year 1978-79 was spent as Visiting Associate Professor at Rockefeller University.

The Center for Cognition and Communication (CCC) was established to provide treatment for clients with head injury, stroke, and other acquired and developmental disorders of cognition.




1.Brown, J.W. (1972) Aphasia. Apraxia and Agnosia, Thomas, Springfield
2. Brown, J.W. (1977) Mind. Brain and Consciousness, Academic, New York
3. Brown, J. W. (1988) Life of the Mind, Erlbaum, New Jersey.
4. Brown, J.W. (1991) Self and Process Springer-Verlag, New York.
5. Brown, J.W. (1996) Time. Will and Mental Process, Plenum Press, N.Y.
6. Brown, J.W. (2000) Mind and Nature: Essays on Time and Subjectivity, Whurr, London.
7. Brown, J.W. (2001) The Embodied Self. Station Hill Press, New York
8. Brown, J.W. (2005) Process and the authentic life. Toward a psychology of value. Ontos Verlag, Heusenstamm
9. Brown, J.W. (2010) Neuropsychological Foundations of Conscious Experience. Chromatika, Belgium.
10. Brown, J. W. (2012) Gourmet's Guide to the Mind. Chromatika, Belgium
11. Brown, J. W. (2012) Love and Other Emotions. Karnac Press, London, in press


1. Brown, J.W. (1973) Aphasia, tran. of A. Pick, Aphasie, Thomas, Springfield.
2. Brown, J.W. (1981) Jargonaphasia (Ed.) Academic, New York.
3. Brown, J.W. (1988) Agnosia and Apraxia (Ed.) Erlbaum, New Jersey.
4. Brown, J.W. (1989) Neuropsychology of Perception, Erlbaum, New Jersey

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